Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just Another Tuesday Night

Well this Tuesday basically started off AMAZING. I found out that my ankle is kinda permascrewed and I'm on anti-inflammatories for a month, which was a nice 60 dollar touch. I gotta treat every second day as well, it never ends. Then my engine light went on en route to the hospital. That problem was fixed quite a bit easier than the other problem mentioned. No big deal. Onto the evening to make up for the crap of earlier. I haven't been able to play since I messed my hip up in June so I was pretty stoked to get to play a show with good friends in Daggermouth and Born For Battle at the Albert. Only so many more shows at that gem, so we gotta take advantage of all of them. I'm gonna let the pics speak for themselves mainly today. First, the bros. Maybe the hardest out.
New hippy style.Runner up for the hardest out?
Little guy's first trip to the Ablert. The soon to be BBQ machine and the new rocker.
Punk, nuff said.
What up Izzy? Yeah, close enough on the spelling.
Just a couple long hair bros.
Sometimes girls want you to have pictures of them and it's easily understandable as to why. Yeah you feel me.
Other times, you have no idea why they want you to have certain pics of them.
Born For Bros.
Daggerbros. They ripped it tonight.
It just wouldn't be the Albert without some random here it is.
It was an awesome night to see sweet peeps that I don't get to see all the time. Hopefully we'll cross paths soon enough. Maybe there will even be some pics of The ALX that I can steal from others and put on here, keep your fingers crossed. Tomorrow night maybe get to see Attack In Black. The record they just put out is owning it lately. Listen to it if you haven't already, srsly. Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinda bummed about that picture not being deleted.